Advance Dot Net Technology - Nov - 2011 GTU Paper solution

Question 2

(a) What do you mean by structured error handling? Create VB .Net console application to accept 10 numbers from user and find its average. Also handle IndexOutOfRangeException.

(b) What is namespace? Explain it with its advantages. Create VB.Net console application to implement user defined namespace. Also give code to import it in another application.

(b) What is inheritance? Create VB .Net console application to define person class and derive student and employee from it to demonstrate inheritance.  

Question 3

(a) What is Property? Explain read only, write only and read write property with suitableexample.

(b) What is delegate? What is its real time usage? Give C# code to demonstrate delegate.

Question 4

(a) Differentiate ASP and ASP.Net. Explain Hyperlink and Image controls with example.

(b) What is Theme? Differentiate css and skin file. Give ASP.Net code to define theme and also give code to apply it in webpage

(a) What is Master Page? Give ASP.Net code to demonstrate the usage of nested master page. 

(b) What do you mean by data bound controls? Explain DataList control with code to display list of students with enrolmentno and branch.

Question 5

(a) What is state management? Explain Application state and Viewstate with suitable example.

(a) What is webservice? Create a web service to find area of circle. Also give code to consume it.

(b) What is AJAX? Give ASP.Net code to use UpdatePanel control.  

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