Amazing Gmail DOT Trick



There is a Gmail account : having password : abcd

You will get logged in to

If you use email as : password : abcd email as
: password : abcd email as
: password : abcd email as
: password : abcd email as
: password : abcd and so on..

That means gmail does not count periods (.).
So isnt its Great ...

So you can use this trick for using the same email for various GPT, PTC, Twitter accounts as they interpret all the above
emails as different but gmail considers it the same.


Be A ethical hacker guys and work for help

India is an emerging economy investing in computerization and broadband for rapid and balancedeconomic development. The Indian government has embarked on large egovernance programs and enablers like the Unique ID program (UID) which provides a unique biometric based ID for all Indian residents. The private sector has begun using ecommerce and the IT industry has established India as a leading destination for IT services.

Grooming our children in computeruse is a well recognized essential. Today’s generation is a technology savvy one. It is quite common to observe young children surfing and gaming on the Internet. Most children do notrealize what a pre-computer era was.
But the impetus on cyber education to ensure use of the Internet in a responsible, safe andsecure manner is lacking in educational curriculums. The onus on cyber education is largely placed on the Indian parent who may not be familiar with computers or the Internet. This generation gap does not make them good teachers with proud or technology unsavvy parents allowing their children liberties with simple restrictions on Internet time and stricter parents forbidding their children altogether.

It is not practical to shield this generation from the use of the Internet. Children find ways through phone or computer, via afriend’s home and so forth. Children by nature love to play pranks. Knowingly or unknowingly they can indulge in a variety of pranks from bullying, obscenity, hoaxes and hacking.  Some fall victim to online criminals and pedophiles.  Some play pranks which economically affect the nation and its institutions like therecent case of a prankster callerphoning a Mumbai college to say that a bomb had been planted onthe premises. 300 girl students were evacuated minutes after they started their exam

At the same time, it is not advisable to allow children the use the Internet without instruction. The middle path lies ina system of cyber education to prepare our citizens as netizens in cyber ethics and the safe and responsible use of the Internet. Inmy opinion, cyber education should be taught by schools as many parents are yet unfamiliar with the Internet. Such a programshould be endorsed by the education ministry, be a part of the ongoing IT curriculum, and include comprehensive training of school teachers across the country. Perhaps a national children cyber safety day in schools may help increase awareness............


Share File without uploading anywhere PC-2-PC

i have new and great trick for sharing files between pc to pc without uploading anywhere.
no time waste no problem.

# Steps:

Step 1 : Go to Click “Browse” and select the file to transfer.

Step 2 : As soon as you select the file, the site will generate an unique URL which you have to share with the user to want to send the file to.

Step 3 (2nd User) : The PC on the receiving end of this file transfer must go this unique url which will show a download option from the file to be transferred PC to PC

# Note :

The transfer file will continue to be available for download until the web page on 1st user’s browser is closed.

This way you can securely transfer files of any size through one pc to another from your browser. No need to upload anywhere.


Online Transfer Files from one PC to Another with DirecTransFile

Generally when you want to share files from one PC to another, you upload it to a file sharing service and then provide the URL. It is a good method for sharing files online but I always avoid this because I think its time-consuming process for send lots of files. But you can use DirecTransFile (DTF) software allows you to transfer files or directories through internet directly from user to user. It is completely freeware portable tool so you can use it directly without and installation and lets you share files from one PC to another without having to upload the file. The downloading is controlled using a download code which is shared to the user who wants to download the file.
How to use it ?
Double click on downloaded software file and select files you want to share online, you can also add multiple files at single time and then click on register the application will generate a code to download files. Now send this generated code to other user who wants to download files.
Process on another computer:
Download and start same software on another computer and select Downloads.. option from taskbar icon of running application.
Now clock on Download button on application and enter previous generated code by application and select next.
After click on next it will ask for location enter you location and it will start downloading.
Features of DirecTransFile:
  • Secure – information about files list is not saved to server;
  • Immediate – you don’t need to upload files to files storage;
  • Fast – the data is transferred from user to user throughout direct connection;
  • Anonymously – user not needs to disclose private information. The  e-mail, name, country etc are not collected.
  • Traversable – in case both users  can’t create direct connection (they are both behind NAT) they can send/receive files through server.


Remove BIOS Password using FREE utility – PCCMOS Cleaner

Do not have access to change the settings in BIOS?  Forgotten BIOS password?  or bought a laptop from someone, but seller did not tell you the BIOS password? There are many other scenarios where you need to enter BIOS settings and you find out that it’s been locked because of password protection.

If you forget login password of windows you can create a reset disk to restore password in case you forget it but for BIOS password there is no reset disk to restore. However you can remove or reset BIOS password physically – by opening the system’s case and removing the CMOS battery or changing jumper settings. But most of the beginners even amateurs hesitate to do experiments with the system’s hardware. For those users there is PC CMOS Cleaner which help to reset BIOS password in few clicks.
PC CMOS Cleaner is free and an easy-to-use tool to recover, delete, decode and display the superior passwords stored in BIOS whatever the brand is. Most types of BIOS are supported. It’s an bootable CD that runs on x86 and x86_64 computers. No need to pay expensive fees to experts because this utility is absolutely FREE to use.
PC CMOS Cleaner screenshot
PC CMOS Cleaner Features:
* Support all x86, x86_64 Personal Computers.

* Support most BIOS, such as: AWARD, AMI, Compaq, Phoenix, Samsung, IBM, Compaq, DTK, Thinkpad, Sony, Toshiba and so on.

* Display the  superior passwords of the BIOS .

* Remove BIOS password (will set the BIOS to default status, need reset date).

* Set the BIOS to default state

How to reset BIOS Password?

2. Burn the ISO file to CD

3. Set the BIOS to boot from CD.

4. Insert the CD you burned and reboot your computer. The software then automatically runs.

5. Use PC CMOS Cleaner to finish the job.

It is recommended to see complete user-guide of PC CMOS Cleaner
Visit to read more and get the download link

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