Applied Electronics project
Project Reports of Paper-1, Applied Electronics
- Inverting adder using opamp, IC741
- Astable multivibrator (AMV) using IC555
- Study of buffer using opamp, IC741
- Study of inverting amplifier (DC) using opamp, IC741
- Study of inverting amplifier (AC) using opamp, IC741
- Study of three terminal voltage regulator using IC LM317 (Line Regulation)
- Study of three terminal voltage regulator using IC LM317 (Load Regulation)
- Study of monostable multivibrator (MMV) using IC555
- Study of non-inverting amplifier (DC) using opamp, IC741
- Study of non-inverting amplifier (AC) using opamp, IC741
- Study of photo relay using LDR circuit
- Study of zener regulator (Line regulation)
- Study of zener regulator (Load Regulation)
List of project reports for free downloads
Project reports of paper-2, Digital Electronics
- Study of 4-bit binary adder using Half and Full Adder circuits, IC 7483
- Study of basic gates, AND, OR and NOT gates, IC7408, 7432, 7404
- Study of controlled inverter using Ex-OR gates, IC 7486
- Study of De Morgan’s Theorems, IC 7404, 7432, 7408, 7400, 7402
- Study of decoder using IC7447
- Study of Ex-OR gates using basic gates, IC 7408, 7432, 7404
- Study of Ex-OR gate using NAND gates, IC 7400
- Study of full adder circuit
- Study of half adder circuit
- Study of logic equations, manipulation of given logic equation
- Study of RS Flip-Flop
- Study of NAND and NOR gates as universal building blocks (UBB)
Important Note
- The collection given above is elaborately designed and created by Prof. D.S.Vidyasagar.
- It is solely his own intellectual property.
- Thus the material is copyrighted.
- However it is made freely available for the benefit of all students.
- The relevant students may consider it, as their right to download this material and ask me with any of their difficulties regarding projects and project reports.