Advanced Encryption Standard CSE Project Report
This is a good Computer science and IT project report on AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) of which use has increased level of security in recent days. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), also known as Rijndael, is an encryption standard used for securing information. AES is a block cipher algorithm that has been analyzed extensively and is now used widely.
The AES Encryption and Decryption is synthesized on FPGA family of Virtex-2 using Xilinx ISE tool and hence the design operates at a maximum clock frequency of 18.970 MHz with a minimum period of 52.716ns. The project gives you the full coding and algorithm of this project. Use for your help and study work.
The AES Encryption and Decryption is synthesized on FPGA family of Virtex-2 using Xilinx ISE tool and hence the design operates at a maximum clock frequency of 18.970 MHz with a minimum period of 52.716ns. The project gives you the full coding and algorithm of this project. Use for your help and study work.